Discovering your Own Acres of Diamonds: The Secret to Unlocking Your Destiny and Happiness

Waleuska Lazo
Nov 15, 2020

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The story, Acres of Diamonds told by Dr. Russell Conwell in 1869, has had a profound impact on my life and it beautifully conveys the power of a message we all need to hear. Happiness, fulfillment, our “Acres of Diamonds” metaphorically speaking, seem to be our most desirable goal, and yet it is also what gives birth to a lot of our internal struggle and dissatisfaction.

In this podcast, you will hear why the pursuit of happiness is wrong. It will make you realize that are standing in the middle of your own ‘acres of diamonds’ right now. Spend time nurturing your own ground. Look no further than your own stream. That is in there that your diamonds await.

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Originally published at on November 15, 2020.



Waleuska Lazo

I share stories of love, reflections, & personal growth that come from looking at ourselves inward & finding the light that emerges from overcoming our pain.